Another weekend at an end…
I have been struggling all weekend with my fibromyalgia and other chronic health issues.
I managed no steps yesterday and spent the majority of day in bed.
Today, I have been in agony again, high fatigue and forced myself out to do a shorter paced walk for my paced walking fundraiser in aid of Cancer Research UK (breast cancer) this afternoon.
Delighted and grateful to have had two donations so far, a week into my July challenge. I am going to aim for no more than 1,000 to 5,000 steps in order not to end up in additional fibro pain.
That’s the recommendation for someone with fibromyalgia but I often get carried away as I enjoy walking, it clears my head.
I’m struggling a lot with my mental health at the moment so sorry for not being on top of catching up with journals, hearts and stars.
If there’s no improvement in my pain and fatigue levels, I will try and get some support tomorrow. I have tried to keep distracted with Duolingo. I have not been sleeping well at all which isn’t helping my pain levels. I hope the weather remembers it’s July soon!
Today’s steps in extra and today’s Blip my crabbit chronic pain face, no amount of makeup masking it today.
If you would like to support me in my July paced walking challenge, it would be much appreciated, here is the link:
Thanks for all your words of encouragement, they really mean a lot, Blip is such a warm little corner of the internet :)
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