Living my dream

By Mima

Slow gardening

It is a thing Chez Mima. 

Even when I'm fit and busy, I rarely break into a run. I prefer the mindfulness of a steady pace. Now that I'm nursing my back back to health, I'm down to the speed of a snail.

The location for today's brief gardening excursion was the tunnel house, where everything has been ignored for a few weeks. It was time to start tidying away the dead tomato plants and get going with some weeding.

In order to make sure I didn't do too much I took Bean in there to supervise turned the alarm on my phone and gave myself 40 minutes. When it pinged I stopped immediately, although I looked at what still needed to be done and thought "I could just finish weeding this bit of bed..." I caught myself, put everything away, and headed for a lie down.

I really am being sensible.

It feels great to be making a tiny bit of progress in the garden. I aim to work for 40 minutes each day this week, then all being well I'll increase it to 50 minutes next week.

Onwards and upwards...

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