secret garden

By freespiral

Enroute to Buxton: Wormhill

 A late flight to Manchester and a catch up with Bat in Cork airport - she on her way to help her elderly uncle finally move from his home to a care home - what a poignant image. My brother picked me up the other end and as he only lives 20 miles away,  we just had time to admire the distant skyline from his turret.  
A leisurely breakfast on the turret then we wend our way down to Buxton, stopping off at the Angler’s Rest for a delightful lunch in a gorge on the River Wye. We also screeched to a halt to admire an intriguing well dedicated to James Brindley, he of the canals. The well was to be dressed shortly. We also wandered around the nearby church, the graveyard delightfully wild. We arrived in Buxton and checked into a comfy air bnb and ate at a Greek restaurant. 

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