michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Plethora of Puny Piglets

Lisa went with me today to Senior Day at the Oakland County Fair. It is probably about 20 miles from our house, and we got there at 8:50 for the 9 a.m. opening. My favorite 4 letter word drew us in. FREE. Free admission, free breakfast, free entertainment. 

Let me be forward,
let me be BOLD!
It was free at the gate...
because we are old!

How did It go? Admission was fine, but for the last 5 years, breakfast was pancakes and sausage. Today? Day old muffins and donuts. The entertainment? One guy on the fiddle, and one guy on the accordion. I mean...the guy on the accordion was good, but after the Beer Barrel Polka...what else can he play?

Still, a fun free morning seeing farm animals and young people getting ready to show their animals. 

I tried several times to get a head count on the piggies, but I'm not sure whether there are 13 or 14. They were well-behaved and the young man in charge of them told us that the big pig was a good mother.

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