
By Fido

This is me

For some unknown reason tonight while idly sitting on the stairs (I was on my way down for something but had forgotten what and was doing that thing where you sit down just for a minute and...) flicking through my phone between Facebook, emails, texts and blip, I noticed that I had uploaded 299 entries making today's blip no. 300.

Well to be honest I was pretty chuffed, but more than a bit intimidated since on big moments like that you get a special wee icon saying it's your birthday and well it's nice to make an effort and try and get a good photo. It was gone 10pm and I wanted to be I bed and despite another lovely holiday day spent mainly in the sunshine of the back garden complete with unexpected visitors and raspberry ripple ice cream, I hadn't taken any photos and so I panicked a bit and closed the blip app on my phone.

When I eventually got up off the stairs to get the blanket I was on my way down for (by which time my tea was over-brewed and the bath water for my achy feet stone cold), I ventured into the kitchen and realised some clearing up was still needing done.

So here is my blip for today. Nothing special by any means but a record of the mundane of life as well, which is what I want me journal to be, the everyday alongside the extra special.

In two days we are off on the Big Adventure. Expect some improvement in the photography, or at least the subject matter. Having the backdrop of the alps should help!

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