
By JackyMT

There be Dragons

My wind chimes, I may have blipped it before but I have had it several years.

Well yesterday  I got the washer fixed. Kirsty gave me a name of a guy who had fixed hers, I looked him up on facebook and messaged him, he said he would come at teatime, and he did. It was the hose from the filter that had come off so instead of  pumping to the outlet it was just pumping out of the filter. He fixed it with a clip and job done. 
It was a lovely day yesterday what a change today.

Pouring with rain and Paula had to go to the hospital with her lumps on her head and face. and as the bus journey on 2 buses would take us at least an hour and a half as long as we didn't get stuck in the morning traffic jams, plus a walk across Leeds from one bus to the other we decided to take a taxi.
She had 3 biopsies 2 were stitched but the other was difficult to stitch so she has to be carful it doesn't start bleeding, it has a bloodstream of it's own.  They will send them off and the results will be about 6 to 8 weeks, then they will know if they are carcinomas. In any case they will have to be removed surgically what ever thy are. She has to take it steady for a couple of days and she didn't feel so good after all the anaesthetic they had injected into her head and face, so we had a coffee and then got a taxi home.  Both taxis took the same route  so how come the one home cost £3 more  than the one going.??

It was a terrible day weather wise, even the cat wasn't happy and spent most of the day in. The next village where Kirsty lives had power cuts all day so as she works from home she had to go to her dads to work, he lives on the edge of Kippax so they had power. 

I saw on the news that rain didn't stop the Great Yorkshire show crowds though.

Les hope tomorrow is at least dry.

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