
By ciorstain

Early Morning and Bargain Shopping

When you get chucked out of your flat at 8 am by your cleaner …… 
And it’s bucketing down with rain: 

Go to the market hall for a French breakfast at our fave Breton place

It is also the only place open at this time of day 

We also realised that we have never experienced our neighbourhood at that time a day.

Well. Maybe 7 am before going to bed after a night of dancing. But never the other way round. 

I am not a morning person. 
I need 8-9 hours of sleep and I love staying up late. 
So the fancy 5 am club is not my vibe. 

Anyhoo we got up and out, and we are in the dry with lovely coffee and the freshest croissants available in Berlin whilst watching the thunderstorm and knowing when we get home in a couple of hours our flat is sparkly clean.

We walked after the rain, went to Kaiser's and another hot beverage at Mokkabar before getting back home.
Bozena was gone and the flat looked good.

I wasn't feeling great today - sore throat and dizzy in my head. I hope that will go away quickly.

In the afternoon we cycled to Galleria Lafayette - they are closing in 2 weeks - forever .... and everything is massively reduced.

We spent HOURS here and got out with huge bargains!
70% on all shoes.

I have 2 more pairs of Docs, some posh sandals that look like from the rag store hahaha and Neil got some Docs as well.

My bill was reduced by 419 Euros!!!! I love a Bargain!!!

We were knackered after we left but made it still to the Birkenstock shop and Neil now has some amazing sandals.

We cycled home after a coffee in Friedrichstrasse and went later to King King for dinner.

I fell to bed exhausted before midnight.
I need a long lie tomorrow!

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