
By Groggster

The Grass Isn't Always Greener

The weather has continued with its rather depressing trajectory of heavy downpours and no sign whatsoever of any summer heat so for any outside shots I have just had to grab the chance for an image when the merest hint of sunshine appears.
Today was such a case in point with only a very late glint of afternoon sun which meant I only got as far as our back garden. Having said that this shot is mostly dark and was taken through our rather decrepit fire brazier, that we use to burn our garden cuttings, with barely enough light from the vent holes and cracks in its casing to capture the greenery on the other side and highlight the yellowing seed heads of the tall grasses (and the accompanying water droplets clinging to them from the earlier rainfall) that have proliferated at the top of our unkempt garden. Originally I was a little disappointed with my effort as I just wanted the duochrome colour scheme of green and black for my shot but I think the seed heads actually add another element to the composition - thus providing proof that the grass isn't always greener! :-)

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