The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


……………………………… that is, not the young gull as I walked into the en-suite this morning! I think it wanted in out of the rain. It’s been a mostly damp, dreary day and this is the only picture I’ve taken.

I bought myself a summer-weight duvet a couple of weeks ago, just as the weather changed back to wet and miserable…I’ve had a host of disturbed nights since, waking up cold and not having enough weight on me. When I woke again last night I decided enough was enough and put my lightweight comforter over the duvet and thankfully slept like a log afterwards! I’m finding that now my blood pressure has been reduced I feel the cold so much more easily.

A quick trip to M&S between showers to stock up on veg and other healthy offerings and I’m planning to prep some meals tomorrow. I’m on a mission to eliminate sugars and processed foods from my diet for the rest of the summer…hopefully losing some stubborn belly fat in the process! It was raining again by the time I exited the shop…there’ll be no need to water the pots tonight!

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