The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham



MC and the wee one arrived about midday for lunch after which the wee one decided he’d stay with me whilst Pop went shopping. The local church was hosting Sea Sunday today, a fete in aid of the RNLI so we took a walk along to see what was going on…we were about halfway there when the heavens opened! We headed home with our cakes after a mooch about.

We headed back to the fete when MC came back as I wanted to donate my plastic plant pots to someone…the wee one spotted the fire engine and spent a happy five minutes posing in it. MC then headed home but he wanted to stay with me, he’s had a boiled egg for his tea and is watching Sarah and Duck on the TV before I drop him home. Need to have a quick shower before the football starts this evening!

So cold this weekend I had to switch the heating on for an hour last night to warm the house through and suspect I may have to do the same today.

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