Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Exmoor Ponies

These ponies graze on Traprain Law and as I passed this evening they were sheltering in the shade of some trees.
They truly are very beautiful creatures and they seem to be very close to each other, like a brotherhood.

3 x 365 = 1095
So I have done 3 years worth of blipping. Not a birthday, I know, and certainly not consecutively, lots of gaps but I have been at this malarky for at least 3 years.
There are blip tales to be told too.
I have been in trouble over this photography stuff.
Probably my most dramatic was when I sunk in wet mud up to my knees nearly and had nothing to hold on to to pull myself out of this mire. My shoes were pulled from my feet as I eventually freed my legs. An age later, as I rolled onto a grassy bank and was completely covered in soggy mud, I did not know whether to laugh or cry as I held my, till then perfectly good shoes, and had not a clue how to rid them of all the caked mud which covered them.
Another time, I stood innocently on a bridge over-looking a duel carriageway trying various photographic angles when I became aware of a police car racing towards me and pulling to a dramatic stop at my side. I was questioned quite intently by this officer of the law about my exact reasons for taking photos there.
In a Morrisons store I was apparently pursued with a description of my lovely self and was eventually tracked down by the manager with a walkie-talkie who demanded that I immediately delete the fish counter photos from my camera. (I didn't of course, I'm a bit of a rebel).
And I think there have been many other very close shaves on this blip adventure.

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