Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Travel time to work was longer than my usual bus, since I need to go into town and change bus there. 
But, I did have a good day at work. I followed my boss and two others to harvest veggies first thing, and that was my first. I've never done that before, because of my work schedule. Now I begin at 7.30 in the morning and I have the possibility to go and harvest. It was really nice and I could have a chatt with my boss too. 
I told her that I ordered some seeds yesterday, Geranium seeds among them and I wondered if I could do like I did before and sow them at work and then take 3 out of 5 home. She immediately approved of my plan. I also told her about my rhubarb plant perhaps not making it, and I got the offer to take another one home, for free. I told her I'd give my first plant some time and tell her on Friday (which is when she has her last day before her vacation). 
My second chore was to pick flowers and bind them in 3 bouquets, and they sold out before I finished my day. I didn't see any of the gardening journals I'd made so I asked if they had been put away, but no...they'd been sold too. Come winter I'm making more. And I'll be making several more so we have a little stock.
Then I continued to replant plants and perennials for the rest of my work hours.
Then bus into town, an errand and then the better of the two busses home. Haven't done much at home, but that's totally ok.

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