
By hazelh

Naughty Whitey

This pigeon visits our garden regularly. I can distinguish him(?) from the others because he has more white feathers than the rest.  Most of the time I chase him from the bird feeder outside our bedroom window that is intended for the small birds (only). While Mr hazelh was hanging out the washing today, we caught him picking out seed from the feeder on the shed .

After a(nother) night of insomnia spent (mainly) on the sofa bed, I missed out on my morning cycle, but made it to the gym for my usual Monday 60 length swim.

This afternoon I trotted up to town to meet Marina in the café of the portrait gallery. It was great to see her and hear about her new job and house.

My evening was short. I cooked sesame soy tuna with pak choi, peas and aduki beans for supper, supervised Mummy hazelh's evening routines, then retired for bed at 7:30pm. I am so tired.

Exercise today: swim (60 lengths); walking (17,924 steps). 

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