.....I feel the need, the need for........


This came for me today....the police have offered me a speed awareness course.....or three points and a £60 fine....the Boss says it's a no-brainer......take the course.

I got photographed a couple of weeks ago on my way early Saturday morning to sort out another Dad crisis.....open stretch of road.....no gardens or houses opening out onto the road.......huge, wide grass verges...but street lights.

The course is four hours...no pass or fail....just attend....no points, no fine.....suppose I can do that....if I take the points no doubt my insurance premium will go through the roof.

Hot day today....at one point the temp in my lab hit 37 degrees C.......nice end to the day though....cold beer, hebs for company, Chris was there too.....civilised conversation.....some of the mourners from Drummer Lee Rigby's funeral were also at the same hotel....so sad.

The Boss has begun her night shifts....back to trying to sleep alone......another scorcher forecast for tomorrow.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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