Caught - white whiskered!

Caught this little guy happily drinking from both milk bottles as Scout and I walked this morning. He didn’t mind us stopping to take a photo.
The incident put a smile on my face and a wee chuckle inside but I don’t think the owner of the milk would be so pleased.

We are all hanging in there. I had a past student request to spend her work placement with me today which was just lovely. We finished our class reader (Danny the Champion of the World) this morning, finished our rainforest art work and this afternoon enjoyed our cinema experience (a class reward) and watched the film version of Danny and ate popcorn and drank juice. (All while I tried- fairly unsuccessfully- to clear a bit more junk out.

Lunch was spent with Jo, dodging bird poos while waiting for our food. It didn’t appear until 1:05 Right at the point I should have been leaving to get back to school! So I threw it down then ran back and arrived just as the first class started walking back in. Phew!
I heard later that I hadn’t long gone before the bird finally hit Jo! Yuck!

This evening was dinner with Henry. It’s always such a pleasure to spend a couple of hours relaxing and talking about life.

On the way home I stopped in at Tescos to buy some smoothies for a lesson tomorrow and bumped into Pauline. So after explaining the ‘hello’ confusion with her son, we stood and put the world to right.

All in all, a good day… made even better with it being warm and sunny. :)

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