Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee


The fishmonger must have a long day. He comes over from PIttenweem in the East Newk and drops off our order at 05.30....then he has a days work at his shop.

I went over to the bottle-bank with a crate of glass and also took our neighbours crate (they are on holiday and I noticed the crate when I was putting the bins back). As I was putting them in the car, the rain started.
When I got back and into the house I realised that my hand was covered in blood. I have no idea what I did and it was only when I went and washed my hand that I saw I had removed a slice of skin next to one of my nails. It wasn't a cut - just a shallow slice, but boy did it sting when I ran my hands under the water. It also wasn't willing to stop bleeding. Within seconds of putting a plaster on it was soaked and dripping again.
We could only find an old packet of plasters with very few plasters in it.
They were finished by the time we got as far as the shop.
it seems to have stopped now - late afternoon (I think I am on plaster 5 or 6 now).
It didn't stop me doing some turning but I managed to fill one finger of 2 PVC gloves with blood.

The bowl - made from (Pippy Burr) Yew - is the one I mentioned yesterday.
There are 5 other pieces over here ... 3 boxes, a dish and a bowl.

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