This is the day

By wrencottage

A better day

I had a much better day today, up early and getting out into the garden after breakfast. I dead headed the roses and fed and watered the tubs before going up to get out of my gardening clothes and have a shower.

Weatherwise, it’s been a much better day today, too. The sun has shone and the temperature rose to about 28°, which meant the washing dried on the line in no time. It also meant that I saw a couple of Small White butterflies in the garden (as well as two jays, which made a change from all the parakeets). Those pesky parakeets seem to have gone on their holidays because the feeders have been empty for a couple of days. Hopefully they won’t return any time soon, or they’ll discover that the feeders are newly washed, disinfected and full of goodies. Please don’t anyone tell them …

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