
By Rosemarie55


16°C  -  6 mph S Wind Speed  -  19 mph Gusts  -  Rain.  Visited friend Jaki at Lochgoilhead today  -  Fiona had some jobs to do for her and invited me along.  Lovely countryside  -  it rained all the way there and some of the way back, and the hills were all misted over  -  so we had to imagine most of it☻☻  Of course, I've done that journey hundreds of times before so it wasn't difficult. I was amazed as we passed Loch
 Lomond  -  the water was so high!  Another heavy rainfall and I'm sure it would flood onto the road.  My main is a little waterfall we passed en route  -  the Extra is Lochgoil Harbour from Jaki's front door.


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