
By Rosemarie55

Blooming Thistle!

20°C  -  11 mph S Wind Speed  -  30 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy.  I saw a yellow Butterfly in the garden and chased it for a bit, but it flew off before I could get a shot.  Some of the Thistle is now blooming and I tried to get a shot of one, but the gusts of wind were so strong and often that I got fed up and went in for a drink!  Luckily I did manage a few sharp shots.  Walking round to the Corner Shop I saw a kid in an amusing T-Shirt  -  by the time I got my camera out she was away down the street and I couldn't make out the writing, but I've extraed it even though I can't read the message and I've forgotten what it was anyway☻☻

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