
By Fuentes3

San Bartolome de Puelles

Puelles, in the parish of Valeri, in the concejo of Villaviciosa, is a small and humble settlement in which, some time in the 10th century the small and humble church of San Bartolome was erected. It is now described as romanesque, but at one point in the 10th century it will have been pre-romanesque. 
The reason for showing it is to show the damage to the apse, which has been as it is now for the whole of the 15 years that I´ve known the building. The Church of Spain has been told, by the government, that it is to look after the pre-romanesque churches it owns. San Bartolome, being romanesque. falls outside that injunction. 
How original they are I don´t know but the capitals on the pillars at the west entrance certainly look old. Since San Bartolome is from the 10th century maybe they´re original; but there is a record that states that they were originally part of the facade of Santa María de la Oliva in Villaviciosa - which is reported to have 9th century, so pre-romanesque origins but is also now categorized as Romanesque.
 I´ve put a few capitals up in extras. I´ll take them down in a few days from now. 

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