Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I realized recently that I hadn't yet added this to my photographic record of yard birds for the year, so quickly corrected the oversight.  Members of the mimic thrush (like mockingbirds) family, they have a wide range of vocalizations including a cat-like call.  I think they are very elegant looking birds with their sleek lines and long tails and subdued colors.

Speaking of cats...our little Phoebe has taken a turn for the worse.  She was throwing up repeatedly last night to the point where I cancelled my planned blip meet for today.  She is not taking in much food at all today, and has been napping in her bed at the kitchen window almost all day.  I've been trying to get her to eat various things but the only things she'd take were some treats and a tube of topping paste.  I rang the vet and got something for her stomach and we also gave her some appetite stimulant so we will see how she does tonight.  Send good thoughts, please.

Hubs went out to Long Island today to visit his mother's grave - it has been one year to the day since she passed.  Hard to believe she has been gone that long.  We are at an age where the time just seems to be flying by.

Our nephew just took command of his new Battalion at Fort Hood, Texas this morning.  The Army live-streamed the passing of command ceremony so I was able to watch it.  Hard to remember that this competent man was just a gawky kid when I first met him when Hubs and I were dating.  Now he is a Lt Colonel with a wife, three boys, a PhD and a battalion.  

I am going to put a quick shot of my three entries for the Fair in Extra since several people asked.


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