Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Watch Your Step!

Thanks to everyone who's put Phoebe in thoughts and prayers.  She had a rough night and we called the vet first thing this morning.  We got a late morning appointment which resulted in a full set of blood work, an injection of reduce nausea and hydration under the skin.  Hopefully the injection will get her to start eating again because she has basically eaten about one spoon of food today.  This is the same treatment that Hubs got for her 3 months ago when she got so sick (and I was in South Africa) - it worked well then so the vet was optimistic it would give her some more time now as well.  Fingers crossed, and keep all good thoughts flowing out way.  

I needed to clear my head after that so I took a drive up to where the Martens nested this year.  The nests are all empty now (which didn't improve my spirits) but the fields are in full bloom and there was a nice selection of pollinators floating around.  I snapped a few pics but nothing I really liked.  Luckily, my own garden at home is teaming with insects now and this Great Golden Digger Wasp (Sphex icheneumoneus) gave me a fun shot.  I believe this is one of the males because it was much smaller than the others of the same species.  

I've rescheduled my blip "play date" for tomorrow.  I could use a distraction and I know we will have a wonderful time together.  So, unless something dire happens with Phoebe, the date is on.

Definitely something chocolate for me today.


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