Too hot to go out and take pics of real flowers today.
I was expecting a parcel, and it was from one of the companies that lets you track where the van is. Just as I saw him getting close, he rang. He said “I’m arriving in a minute”, then hung up. Seemed a bit abrupt, but delivery folk are busy, so I had a look but couldn’t see him. The internet said he was just at the bottom of our road, so I waited a bit … then figured maybe he was lost and got in the car to go find him. Turned out he had met a ditch, and the van was almost on its side.
Happily he was fine, but he didn’t dare open the back door in case, Italian Job style, that was the final straw. So I went home - he promised to bring my parcel as soon as his mate arrived to pull him out of the ditch.
To no-one’s surprise, my parcel is going to be delivered tomorrow. Apparently.
Mr B arrived home in the afternoon, watched the Tour, then headed off to do all the recycling, etc, and make dinner. Busy evening sorting logistics for a very complicated next two months.
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