Dancing Buddy

This is Buddy Boy doing a dance. Not really but it kind of looks like it doesn't it?
He is playing with the toy "DaBird". I have tried for over 6 months now to take a blip of Libby playing with "DaBird". The blips were always so blurry. (I have only had my new camera for 6 months now. Wouldn't you think by now I'd know how to use those settings? I'm pretty sure I must be a slow learner.) I realize you blippers out there in blipland that know how to take action blips will see how blurry these blips still are. But I was so excited. I just had to post this so that if I ever get better I will have this blip to look back on. Who knows in another 6 months I might even do better. Wish me luck. I sure need it.

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