1978 Rolls Royce
Some blips days are better than others. Today was a really good day. It wasn't looking all that great. I had taken lots of pictures but really wasn't excited about any of them. I was driving down this side street and this Rolls Royce goes zipping by me. What was I to do? I started following him. I think, I wonder were he's headed. Well I didn't have to follow him very far. Not far down the road he pulls into the Urbana Country Club. I just drove in right behind him. When he stopped and parked his car I pulled up beside him and said. I have been following you in hopes of taking a picture of your car. Would you mind? He said that would be fine. I ask him the year. That's when his wife said it's on the plates. Yes, indeed it was. I explained to him that I was actually selling new cars that year. I sold two Rolls Royce like this in 1978. I did explain when I first pulled up beside them why I wanted to take a picture of the car. They were in a bit of a hurry to get inside and he said for me to just leave my card in the car, which I did. So that's my story. If you are into cars and you know by now I am, you'll enjoy the rest of the blips here.
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