
By JennyOwen

Luca's celebration

Nursery "graduations" are a thing these days, it's all very different from when Jack and Ruth were small.
So today was the end-of-year event for Nature Box, the forest school nursery that Luca attends on Wednesdays and Thursdays. From September he'll be at school.
I have mixed feelings about doing all this in the style of a university graduation. I'd rather just have a party I think, without the mini-adult trappings.
However, I have to admit that this worked well. Each of the kids who'll be moving on in Sept was welcomed to a small outdoor stage in turn, by a staff member. The staff member said a few words to reminisce about their time at the nursery, before each child arrived on stage, and wished them well. Each one shook hands and collected a certificate and a medal (that was a biscuit on a ribbon, quickly eaten a few minutes later - good choice). Everyone clapped.
I remember how self-conscious I was at school, always uncomfortable with anything formal and staged like this. In contrast, these kids were entirely relaxed, enjoying their moment in the spotlight. It helped that Nature Box is a very small nursery. It really worked well. Luca was delighted with it all.

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