
By JennyOwen

Summer daze

The blissfully hot summer day did pass in a bit of a daze, as Eben was up for most of last night, vomiting intermittently. Richard deployed his best step-grandparent skills and sat up with him till he dropped off eventually.  I slept for a few hours, and then got up with Luca around 6 a.m.
Eben's tummy troubles possibly came from a mixture of eating his tea too fast and struggling with an annoying cough that's been bugging him for a few days. There may also have been an element of nerves, as he knew that Friday morning would bring a special assembly for the last day of school. He probably suspected - as Ruth and Josh had already told us, but were keeping secret from him - that he would get a 'star of the year' award. He desperately wanted this, and was perhaps a bit wound up about it.
Anyway, he revived sufficiently for me to take him and Luca home in time to get to school, with Ruth and Josh, and join the assembly. And he did get his certificate and some compliments from his teacher. Phew.
Meanwhile Richard and I took it easy. I had an afternoon nap - the perk of the retired person - and later did a bit of gardening.  We watched "Mrs Harris goes to Paris" on Netflix - a bit of a near-miss of a film, where's Richard Curtis when you need him? Then it was an early night, time for a catch-up.

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