My day

By 59

Winter flowers

There isn’t much in the garden as it’s mid winter. We have had a lot of grey cloudy days. The daisies don’t seem to notice so they can be my blip for today.

I had a call from the admissions nurse at the hospital. She remembered me and said we would do the same routine as last op. She asked if I would like her to try and get me in first so I don’t have a long wait. Wasn’t that kind. Then I had an email to say my private insurance would pay for all the costs. The surgeon adds his gap fee but he is probably worth it and I have paid up.

Later in the morning I had a GP visit for scripts which took half a minute. He then spent ages chatting about my recent health scares. He sent me for the initial mammogram but has been on holidays and was just catching up. We agreed it was lucky to have caught it early.

Next up was trying to renew my Working With Children’s Check. If you work or volunteer with children it is mandatory to have a police check to see you are safe with kids. It’s all very standard here but needs reviewing every couple of years. I tried online for 45 minutes before I gave up. I don’t know if it was our internet, my iPad or their website but it just wouldn’t upload the documents and kept on timing out. As I need a new drivers licence I decided to drive to the Government Service Centre and do it face to face. Talk about inefficient! The staff were lovely but everything seemed to be so complicated for such a simple process. I had to queue up twice as I had two different jobs to do. The printer didn’t work. The eye sight test machine wouldn’t turn on. The camera wouldn’t take my photo. Took ages but all done for 5 years and didn’t cost anything there or at the doctors.

So that’s my exciting day. Tomorrow we have the kids and dog so that will be nice.

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