Everyday Life

By Julez


When I searched this picture of a weed/wildflower with Google Lens, it told me it was cheeses! Maybe someone is having a laugh, or maybe there really is a plant named cheeses. If it's not it could be Common Mallow, which was another option after three pictures labelled cheeses. This seems most likely, but it tickles me to think it might be called cheeses!*

It was back to work for me today, and it was quite busy despite the heat! Claire said I could have had the day off if I'd said, but I only work one day a week so it hardly matters..

I popped to Tesco for salad for my tea then came home, taking this photo and stroking a cute cat on the way. 

Tomorrow we are going to Hull for rugby. Then Sunday we will probably slob out on the sofa, other than looking for Blips of course.

* I may have used the word "Ch***es far too many times in the first paragraph!

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