Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Hayle Quay in the mist (& a bit of a RANT!)

This morning when I went for my walk along all the St Ives beaches it was mega hot and sunny. It was lovely. We spent about an hour & a half just enjoying the quietness of the town before the busiest six weeks of the year begins this weekend.

Ann bought some lovely fresh bread for breakfast and we spent all morning sitting on our sun terrace.

…..............And then the mist rolled in. And by about 2pm it was a bit mizzly & drizzly.

Ann said, 'Trixie, I need to go shopping. If we go to Asda then we can tie in your afternoon walk at the same time.' So that is what we did.

I had to sit in the car and wait while Ann did her shopping, then I went for my walk along Hayle Quay. It wasn't really that exciting for a little Collie pup, but at least I was off my lead the whole time and there was lots of interesting smells for me to sniff at.

Ann hasn't lived in St Ives in the busiest six weeks of the year since 2018. She says it's going to be a challenge finding places to walk me in the afternoons. Actually, it won't be a challenge because she'll just take me through the fields or along the coast path. She certainly won't be walking me through town. It is sooooooooooo busy at the moment, so we dread to think what it's going to be like in the coming weeks. Ann actually thinks that people who drag their doggies around the shops are cruel. She says humans need to do an experiment and sit down on Fore St (which is the main shopping street in our little town) and see how they like a constant stream of legs/buggies/wheelchairs coming towards them. It's horrible!!! And what is it with people who have their dogs on extendable leads and allow them to wrap themselves round other people's legs? That's not polite doggie behaviour is it?

Anyway, this BLIP is becoming a bit 'ranty' isn't it. At least I can still go on all the beaches in the summer between 6pm – 10am and I also get to go swimming with Ann 3-4 mornings a weeks so all is good. Yay!

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