
By Incredibish

Kingston Lacey and Badbury Rings

Wow, but look at those blue skies... not an aircraft in sight! Every cloud, etc, but I remember when they 'cleared the skies' after 9/11, and the bland white blue skies were returned to azure blue... we should do it more often, though perhaps for better reasons than a software fubar or terrorist action.

After Kingston Lacey we headed to Banbury Rings, but by then Janet was feeling the heat a bit and we called time.

The drive home was mostly uneventful, despite Mollie not having air conditioning. All the traffic - so much traffic - was heading south while we were heading north. All in all a really nice couple of days. And luckily we both had a bit of cash secreted away, although until I looked for it I didn't realise I was so well off... no ApplePay today...

I did swear at the news a bit this evening, as they compared today with the Y2k scare "that was entirely imaginary"!!! Bah! The fact that we worked our collective arses off to make the transition from 19nn to 20nn so inconsequential is misremembered as 'imaginary' is annoying and only salved slightly by memories of overtime earned...

Wait until the 19th January 2038... see them smile then. Mwahahauhuh!

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