By lizzie_birkett

Diversion Therapy!

At last I’ve got the hang of knitting these wee critters! 
It’s nice to knit small things, you get fast results.
There was no phone call with other results today. I phoned twice and asked them to return my call but nobody did.
We’ll have to wait till Monday I suppose. 

Anyway, we decided to have a day out so went to Ilkley, a short walk on the moors and to see the Cow and Calf rocks then into the town centre. It’s a lovely place. Frank struggled a bit going uphill, he feels exhausted but he wanted to go up. Bella did her usual, refusing to move when it was time to go home. She squeezed herself under a bench and wouldn’t come out - daft dog! Frank had to drag her on her belly! She loves days out.

Have a good weekend Blippers!

Time for bed.
Goodnight :-)X

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