
By Tryfan46

It’s a wrap…

… it has become a tradition on the last day of the school year for all the pupils and parents, grand parents, other children and sundry hangers on to gather on the Green for a mass picnic at the end of school. This year was no exception.

Interesting to see how most were gathered in the shade under trees to escape from the heat while a few hardy souls braved the sunshine.

Earlier I’d gone over to Gravesend to meet with Matt and Granddaughter Miya for my 70th birthday lunch celebration. It was hot inside however, we had a good time catching up. It was a rare opportunity to be with Miya who is now 17 going on 18.

We went for a walk this evening with the intention of calling in at a pub for a cooling glass or two of foaming ale. Seems like everyone else had the same idea. Each pub we passed was heaving and the last pub had loud music.

We went home and had gin and tonic in the garden in the gathering gloaming, subjected to the beat of a pop concert in Mote Park. You can’t win.

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