
By ArcLight

Garden flowers

While I wouldn't say that we have a superabundance of flowers in the garden, we decided today that we had just sufficient to be able to bring a posy indoors to put on the kitchen table.

I had a pleasant last day of annual leave, insofar as I read a substantial amount of The Bookseller of Inverness (should get it finished this evening in bed), had an interesting coaching chat on Teams (where I am the coachee) (was relieved that this was not impacted by the IT outage), did a bit of work with Mr A on the garden after the patio people had left for the day to fill in the gap between the old bed and the new sleepers that have been fitted with compost and soil, and finally went off to Loch Achilty with A and L for a decent 50 minute swim. All good prep for the Kessock Swim. It was another fairly warm day, but unfortunately not very sunny. But warm and dry will do. It's probably as good as it's going to get this year.

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