Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Too hot!

I’m not good in the heat! I had a quiet day at home.

Margret, next door, has Covid. She spent a lot of time today trying to access the antiviral drugs she should have because she is immuno suppressed.

The surgery computer was down and she was told to phone 111. This was actually the correct course of action; but by the time they replied, it was too late to issue the drugs. They will be issued on Monday. (As if the virus takes the weekend off too!)

I made courgette and coconut soup which Margret (and I) enjoyed. I made a fish pie for my main meal.

I’ve done more knitting, had an afternoon nap and photographed this honeysuckle on my way back from Margret’s.

Liz called and we had a good chat. The holiday on Skye and then the north west coast near the Summer Isles sounded wonderful.

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