A time for everything

By turnx3

Rose mallow hibiscus

The temperatures and humidity have dropped a little, leaving us with more comfortable temperatures. R and I both had dental check-ups late morning. The hygienist who cleans my teeth does a really great job, and has a lovely cheerful manner, which makes everything more pleasant. Happily, we both came away with a clean bill of health always a relief! Since I didn’t get any exercise in yesterday, I felt I must do some today, so after we’d had a coffee we both went cycling on the Little Miami trail, starting at Morrow, and heading north for 12 miles return for me. At this point the car park isn’t right on the bike trail, but a block away, and on this stretch there is a small church, with three gorgeous rose mallow hibiscus outside, the two I have shown, plus a lighter pink one. They are sometimes referred to as “dinner plate hibiscus”,:since the huge beautiful blooms are almost the size of a dinner plate!

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