A time for everything

By turnx3


When we were down in Asheville for a few days, we had talked about having breakfast out one morning, but when we looked for places on line, there wasn’t a convenient one that really “jumped out”, so we didn’t bother. So instead, we had breakfast out this morning at a favourite local place. I went for sweet, blueberry lemon French toast, and R went for savoury, with scrambled eggs, vegetables and hash brown squares. After a coffee back home (we prefer our coffee to most restaurant coffee!), I went off to do a bit of clothes shopping. It didn’t get off to a very good start, as I went first to JCPenney, and there was a sign on the door saying they couldn’t open yet, because of the global IT problem, which has caused chaos in various fields around the world. We’re just hoping everything gets back to normal before Sunday, when we fly to England. Roger was looking at the Delta flights to Atlanta today, which we will be taking on Sunday, and they were all running 4 or 5 hours late! Fortunately the next store I tried was open and working OK. Some laundry and ironing this afternoon, then R grilled us some steak on the barbecue, which we enjoyed with mushrooms and corn on the cob out on the patio. I still didn’t have a blip at this point, but thought the coleus growing in containers at the corners of the patio would serve for a subject.

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