Taken just after midnight and as we've spent the day travelling I haven't taken any other pics! Lucky Asbos have another couple of days in Majorca. Feel like I could do with a few more days. I'm normally ready to go home after a week but our flight times have meant we only had 6 days here. It's also been really nice closing the business completely so I'm not getting constant messages and having to worry about everything running smoothly back home.
The airport was chaos this morning because of the Microsoft issues. Ryan air were actually pretty organised in comparison to some of the other airlines whose check in queues were snaking right through the departure hall. They were having to hand write all the baggage labels! We got sent to several different gates before we boarded only 10 mins late. Then they left us sat on the plane for an hour and a quarter before we took off :0(
After doing the horses (so lovely to see them) and Mike collecting Nell and a little walk for all the dogs, we had a BBQ and sat in the garden till dark with BG and The gov who have been looking after Charley and Flora whilst we were away (we wouldn't inflict Nell on them!) and also doing lots of house and garden jobs! We have a lovely new banister at the bottom of the stairs, which looks brilliant.
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