A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Large White ..

before the rain.

A very muggy morning and no one was in a hurry to get up after last night’s celebrations. The girls had a sleepover ( the two if them in the same room) and played happily when they woke up letting the rest of us lie in.

Grace and John had brought us a beautifully boxed Ensaimadas - the sort you see all the Spanish carrying in the queues at Palma airport. We shared it for breakfast, far too much for us - extra, and Eda had a gf croissant.

Chris and I went to visit Special Plants a place we’ve passed quite a lot above the valley where a Eda’s school is. A single track road but an interesting selection of plants in their nursery with good advice. They specialise in producing seed but the plants were reasonably priced. We bought two Salvias one for us and one for Grace. She has an old watering can with no bottom and wants to use it for a planter. They are a lovely pale peach colour. 
The owner’s house is open on Tuesdays, and Wednesdays in high summer. It looked lovely in the leaflet and has great views apparently over the lovely valley. One to chalk up for the future. 

As we walked back up Grace’s garden when we got back this Large White butterfly was flitting round the Nasturtiums, it didn't settle but I was quite pleased with this action shot. I’ve photographed so few this year though there were plenty around at Dyrham Park the other day. 
Inside John was busy preparing fillings for tacos for lunch, he’d also made dough to make them in his Taco press, another birthday present. Eda had a turn at making them in all her finery - note the fur cape! Extra

The forecast rain has arrived and Bath has disappeared but daddy has a treasure hunt planned in the garden.

Hope the sun returns for the school holidays starting today for many here.

The map reference is for the Special Plants place.

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