
By Max_Blazer

878 day of war

Hi, friends!

The country continues to problems with electricity supply. I have watched many videos from our energy experts explaining what is happening and why, and the forecasts for the future are not encouraging. In the first year of the war, Russia mainly targeted distribution power stations, causing blackouts until the network was repaired. However, this year, the attacks have focused on energy generation facilities. All hydroelectric power plants are damaged or destroyed, one nuclear power plant is under occupation, and what remains cannot provide enough energy to ensure stable electricity supply for everyone.

We now have electricity for only a few hours a day. There are blackout schedules, but no one adheres to them, making it difficult to plan the day. We are coping with this situation by dividing tasks into those that require electricity and those that can be done without it. Sometimes this significantly disrupts our usual routine, but I see some benefits in it. For instance, because we don't have electricity often, we consume less, which results in considerable savings with the new tariffs. After the tariff increase, we started calculating the energy consumption of each appliance and decided to give up the electric kettle because it consumes a lot. After all, you can also live without light, as long as there is enough light outside until evening, you can spend your free time reading books or cleaning the house.

Also, the deadline for updating mobilization data recently passed. Honestly, I didn't think I would remain free until this deadline, given the frightening news reports that made me believe there was no way to avoid it. But I am still free, so I had to think about what to do next. Updating the data is the first of three steps for mobilization. First, you update your information, then undergo a military commission, and finally, you get mobilized. Updating your data without a deferment means that within about a week, you could be in a training camp. This prospect still doesn't appeal to me, even though I'm less worried about it now, I still wouldn't like it.

Not updating the data results in heavy fines, and there are threats that even one's only home and personal belongings will be confiscated if the fines are not paid. However, I think this is more intimidation and unlikely to happen. Moreover, I currently have nothing, and my only home is in Mariupol, which is under occupation. I considered updating my data in the last few days to avoid the fine, but it turned out I would receive it anyway because I was supposed to update this information when I turned 27. I have no way to pay the fine, so I decided to just live on and wait for the day I get a draft notice on the street.

Therefore, I am not planning anything more than a week ahead, knowing that any document check could immediately send me to the army

I try to think about it less and focus on living and not wasting time. I believe everything will work out as it should, and I will get through it all. Currently, I am working more on shirts and making many tiedye socks while the weather is still warm to make the most of the season. Nastya also received an embroidery order, so we have plenty of work, which is the most important thing right now.

I believe we will overcome everything, no matter the circumstances. I also want to thank everyone for their support and help on buymeacoffee, as it greatly helps with renting a apartment. Thank you!

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