
By fitzbilly

Cluedo 2

The grandsons arrived late last night, 11ish. We didn't get to bed until past midnight. Joe brought an even bigger collection of superheroes with him, though again, rather disappointingly, he'd left Squirrel Girl at home. Rory travelled much lighter, just bringing The Complete Sherlock Holmes.

The reason behind the visit was that some time ago we bought tickets to take Rory to see Cluedo 2 at the theatre. He'd seen the original Cluedo and enjoyed that. We enjoyed this production, though it wasn't exactly an intellectual feast. Just a lot of mad fun really. The scene changes were a bit manic. The woman in the row behind us thought the whole production was hilarious judging by her loud laughter.

Joe didn't come, but his dad took him swimming, twice.

We had lunch out before the matinee, pizzas are on the menu this evening.

There was light rain when we came out of the theatre. Summer is probably well and truly over now as we got the air con unit in from the garage yesterday afternoon.

One year ago:
Green Leaves

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