This is the day

By wrencottage


Our middle son and his family went off on holiday to Devon early this morning. We are now on Watson duty (feeding the cat twice a day) and I seem to have acquired quite a bit of extra laundry to do as well (my suggestion, I hasten to add). I have also been given two small plants which our granddaughters have been caring for, and which need a bit of TLC from Granny. I’ve re-potted them and hopefully they will thrive while they're away (the plants, not the granddaughters!).

I took Smithers to the eye clinic for another check up this morning. His eye pressures were good, and the surgeon let me look through his microscope to see the tube which has been inserted to reduce pressure in the eye, which was amazing to see. He then removed a suture, which hopefully will help Smithers feel a bit more comfortable, and I have been instructed to administer four antibiotic drops a day for week, on top of the once daily one which will continue for the foreseeable future.

This afternoon I’ve pressed some cotton bed linen on the rotary iron. I can’t face getting out the steam generator iron and tackling the basket full of all the school uniforms and t-shirts that I’ve brought in from the washing line, so they will have to wait for another day. 

By now I’m quite weary, and I’ve run out of ideas for a blip, so I’ve resorted to one of the agapanthus blooms in the back garden.

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