An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The day after the day before...

David, Kenny, Alan and Jim were playing golf at Vale of Leven golf course this morning so he was up and out the lodge just after 9.30am.  Agnes, Adrian and I didn't surface till later.

As we enjoyed scrambled egg on toast we chatted about the wedding and what a lovely time we'd had.  We also noted what a completely different experience the wedding would have been if it had been today, as the rain was bouncing!  There's no way the ceremony could have been held outside.  The mist was right down too so Ben Lomond was completely covered. 

They headed off just after 2pm and I read my book for a little while till Ele, Gail and Natalie called in with Esme on their way for a walk to try and get rid of some of Esme's energy.  

As they left, Andrew, Nikki and Jennifer arrived hungry.  There was pizza and garlic bread left from Tuesday evening so they made that and we chatted about the wedding some more and shared photos.  I asked Andrew and Nikki if they had enjoyed their special day (they were VERY nervous in the run up to it) and they both said they enjoyed it immensely.  Phew!

Ele had booked dinner at Duck Bay for us all so everyone returned to their respective lodges and we agreed to meet at Duck Bay at 6pm.

Had a lovely evening there.  Food was fabulous and such a lovely setting looking right onto Loch Lomond.  It's many years since I was last there and the place looks so much better! 

There wa great excitement during the meal as Esme's shaky tooth finally came loose.  She was hyper at the prospect of her first ever visit from the Tooth Fairy.  For once she was looking forward to bedtime!  

After dinner Alan, Gail, Natalie and Jim headed back to Edinburgh and the rest of us headed back to the lodges.  Poor Nikki's anti-sickness tablets had started to wear off and she was feeling a bit yuk and heading straight to bed.  

Ele and Kenny came back to our lodge for a final glass of wine.  So pleased that after all their hard work and planning, the wedding went off without a hitch and everyone had a great time.  The stress of the wedding over, they can now relax and look forward to their second grandchild.

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