
By pandammonium

Bug Hunter Waters

Our parkrun was cancelled this morning because of an event at the school that would interfere with our course. We have a lot of options for alternatives; a new parkrun opened a few weeks ago in a newly built village, so we went there – along with quite a few others from our parkrun, it turned out.

The course was pretty, but boiling. I fulfilled my goal of completing the course – I’ve not been out running for ages! As a bonus, I did it without stopping to walk and in a time that is pretty decent for me these days. I was happy.

Back at home, we packed up a picnic and set off to Sandringham Country Park for a recce. We were thwarted by private land owned by a cricket club being part of the route. Still, we had a lovely day out.

You’ll find out in good time what the recce was for.

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