Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

14 years!

I can't really believe that I have been here for 14 years. My first blip was a gate. I had no idea what would happen when the gate to the Blip Community opened and I gradually became part of it.

It has had a great impact on my life. I photograph every day and still love it. More importantly, I have made friends here and my life has been greatly enriched. It's fun, it's serious, it's a place to share and care and so much more.

I don't need to tell you all.

This morning I went for an early walk. I needed to be back for Claire who came to cut my hair. I met interesting people. 

There were three American women, two from Boston and one from San Francisco, who were walking the Wall and heading for Twice Brewed. I was able to give them some pointers of things to see.

Then four generations of one family sitting on a bench at the roundabout. I took photos for them, but they don't do social media so I can't use them here. 

On the way home, I walked past the ripening barley and found a few poppies. I like the extra where I used very shallow depth of field.

Now, it's onwards to the next fourteen years. I hope I will still be blipping then! 

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