Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The streptocarpus is thriving

First, I must thank you all for taking yesterday's image to the top of the popular page. You are great friends and supporters. Thank you.

On 29 August 2023, I was staying with my old friend, Diana, in Great Ayton. She gave me a streptocarpus plant.

I used to grow these and had lots of different varieties, but in this house they did not thrive. I was unsure about Diana's plant. I have nurtured it carefully and wondered if it would ever flower. 

Here it is, in full bloom. I'm over the moon.

Today has been busy. I went to Aldi to shop for me and for Margret. I did hers first, using a list. Then I did mine, with no list as usual. 

After that, I went to see Maureen and Brian. Brian is staying in bed and seems comfortable. Maureen continues to have a lot of challenges to face, but her nephew Roger had been for a couple of days and brought her desktop for her to use. Sadly, he could not bring the computer table. 

Maureen has plans to subscribe to Sky for TV and internet. Hopefully, that will mean that she can be in touch with more people againand see her beloved sport.

I went to see Jenny and Dennis on my way home. John, their son, arrived to shave Dennis. He gives him a wet shave which is much appreciated.

Home to deliver Margret's shopping.

This afternoon, I sorted lots of papers that need to be shredded. It's very tiring.......but I was pleased by the end of the day.

I may grow more streptocarpus plants now!

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