Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Made It!

The last day of my break in Dorset started liked the first, with heavy rain forecast.  However, as it wasn't due to start until mid-afternoon I took a chance and headed to Lulworth Cove and the prospect of a walk across the cliffs to Durdle Door; after all, this was my main objective when I booked the week away a month or so ago.

I have a lovely morning in Lulworth exploring the cove and sat overlooking the Stair Hole geological feature for my lunch.  It was then time to tackle the  fairly steep 1.25 mile path ascending nearly 400ft from the car park up and over the cliffs to Durdle Door.

As I started up, so the rain started down. I debated whether or not to "cut my losses" and drive over, but instead dug out the umbrella and carried on.  Near the top visibility was virtually zero, but I was already well past the point of no return - at least it wasn't cold and at this stage the rain was quite light.

Heading back down towards the Durdle Door and Man O'War coves the weather cleared giving those glorious views for which the area is renown. I carried on along the SW Coast path for a bit to find one of those handy "Photographer's Tripod point" for my main shot :-)

It was then time to head back to the car, especially as the rain had started again (extra) and was now coming down in buckets. Fortunately the umbrella and showerproof jacket kept my upper body (plus camera bag) reasonably dry, but by the time I got back to the car everything else was drenched! A quick change into dry clothes (so glad I was on the way home so had the necessaries in the boot), a warming cup of coffee and then home in time for tea.

It was a good day despite the rain, and a great end to my Dorset Adventure.

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