An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Celebrating Norma...

We've been looking forward to today as we'd arranged to meet John and Norma at a local restaurant for lunch.  Norma will turn 88 later this week and that was a perfect reason to treat ourselves not that we need an excuse!  lol

We had an absolutely lovely lunch and great fun catching up with them.  They are both always on great form and today was no exception.  So much laughter.  They really are an inspiration and not even Norma's recent diagnosis of dementia could dampen the mood.  They really do live for today and I aspire to be more like them.

They were both keen to hear about the wedding and enjoyed seeing the photos.  Norma's dementia means she now struggles to remember who people she doesn't see often are, and we had to explain a few times the connection between the wedding party and D and me.  

Despite declaring themselves full to bursting after their lunches, D and John still managed dessert.  D had a huge strawberry tart and John pavlova topped with banana, ice cream and warm toffee sauce!  

Afterwards they came back to ours to see Alan and Lola.  Alan was out but returned shortly after our return.  Both were delighted to see them with Lola trying to get onto Norma's lap!

We went out to the side garden as I wanted to take an official birthday portrait as part of Norma's birthday gift from us.  It's been a while since I took a photo of them together so she will be able to update the photo she has.

Once they headed off I crocheted for an hour while D walked Lola.  Now about to menu plan for the weekend as it's the annual get together with this lot!  Can't wait :-)))

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