
By Wildwood

Blooming Agave

It seemed time for another follow up on the progress of the agave spike. It continues to blossom and dominate the landscape. It is now sporting some distinctly more yellow, more blossom-like clusters at the bottom of the spike but the mother plant is showing more and more signs of its eventual demise. Most of the fronds have collapsed downward though they haven’t changed color yet. We are debating whether to wait for the spike to fall on its own or cut it soon in order to control where it falls.

It is swaying gently in the breeze right now but the breeze is barely a stirring of the 92F (32c) degree air. John waited a bit too long to take Spike, the one that breathes and walks around with a Kong in his mouth, on his walk. They are both snoring gently now.

But I shall have to wake John pretty soon for the neighbors are coming for a drink shortly. They are in the same boat insurance-wise as we are and I want to see if they’ve discovered any better options. Or attempted to translate the pile of pointless paper (I think it’s pointless) we worked our way through last week.

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