
By Wildwood

Four Feet and a Leg

Spike is so conveniently mono! He's practically under the table as the heat continues. We got him out on his walk early this morning, but he was less enthusiastic than usual as it was already quite warm. Fortunately it isn't at all humid which would wipe me out, but it also increases the fire risk when the humidity is so low.

It is almost a day long project and I decided today was the day to wash the duvet cover. Even getting it off a king sized duvet is a difficult process and putting it back on is almost impossible single handed. I struggled, muttering imprecations under my breath but finally shouted for John who helped me wrestle it on.

If we hadn't had visitors yesterday we might not have heard about Biden's announcement that he was withdrawing from the race until we read it in the paper this morning. My immediate response was relief. Maybe it took the case of Covid to help him reach a decision. After so many years of service to his constituents, he has earned a quiet retirement. Going back on the campaign trail with the lingering effects of Covid could have been more than he wanted to contemplate. 

I think he is one of those people who has spent so much of his life working that he can't imagine what he would do with himself without working. He apparently also was feeling betrayed by his own party members and friends calling for him to step down. Perhaps it was the isolation of Covid, not to mention its effects, that allowed him to reach a decision. He is a decent man who leaves with a record he can be proud of. And, lest we forget, he still has 6 months left in office.

As usual, the Democrats appear ready to air their dirty laundry in public instead of being ready with a unified response to the very action some of them have been calling for. I'm still mulling my feelings about Kamala Harris. She was born in Oakland and was an excellent Attorney General for the city of San Francisco. I was surprised at her rather tepid performance as Vice President, but it has never been an office whose duties were very well defined, and she has become a strong supporter of women's rights since Roe vs. Wade was struck down. She's been walking something of a tightrope supporting Biden while still needing to be prepared in case he withdrew. And I think Trump is afraid of her. I'm betting he won't debate her....

We'll see whether the Democrats unite behind her or insist on some kind of bizarre and messy battle for a nominee at the convention.

I'm speed reading my way through an article in the New Yorker about the Project 2025 and the people behind it. They are the ones pulling Trump's puppet strings....

We may have to watch the news tonight now that the Tour de France is over, and the Olympics haven't started yet....

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